
Proverbs 3:6

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.-Proverbs 3:6

I am a teacher and my summer is very quickly coming to an end. When my summers come to an end (I’m very thankful for them) I always get a little anxious. It’s kind of like the new year in the teacher world. I set new goals, I look for things I can change and areas I can grow. I look at the future and what God has in store.

This year I’m starting a new school which means new colleagues, new rules, new students and the unknown. I get anxious about the unknown but have learned that I can make the most of whatever situation may be.

Lately this verse has been on my heart

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. -Proverbs 3:6

This year I feel like I am being called to

Acknowledge: what God is doing around me. I want to acknowledge the big things he is doing and the small.

Listen: I want to listen to what God puts on my heart. Sometimes I have things on my heart and brush them off to fear or not knowing enough about them. I want to listen to what he says and pursue what he is giving me.

Seek: Seek his guidance, wisdom, plan and word.

Pray: Often times I say “I need to pray for this” and I really don’t pray for it as big as I would like to. I want to pray big.

So maybe all you teacher friends out there may be feelings the same anxiousness I do when summer comes to an end or maybe just a new change brings it up. But I hope you can cling to proverbs 3:6.

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