
Dear Jae: Part 2

Dear Jae,

You’re 17 months now and still the sweetest thing my heart has ever known. I’m still amazed at your mind and the things you’re learning. Everyday you learn something new and everyday you become more and more you.

I think the most beautiful thing to watch is you blossoming into who you truly are. I love seeing you be carefree, kind and giving without expectation. Sweetness beams out of you and happiness bounces in your curls. You are truly the most beautiful version of you.

My prayer lately is that you would always be who you are- not who someone else is. When you get older it is so easy to compare yourself, your personality and your looks to others around you. When you compare and compromise your identity the only thing that comes is doubt, low self worth and a misnamed identity.

God created you fearfully and wonderfully. He has called you and chosen you to be Jae. He will never ask you to be like someone else, only you! You are unique, special and the greatest version of you. Others will see your beauty and kindness and want to exude their own!

As you continue to grow into who God created you to be I pray you remember the fruits of the spirit and gently remind yourself of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. And always remember to give yourself grace.

You are the most beautiful version of you and I love who you are!



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