
Sunday Strength: All Things New 

Tonight after dinner my husband and I decided to go on a walk around our neighborhood. Our little girl missed a nap today and was extra tired but it was that in-between time and bed time was in an hour and a half, so a walk it was! I love going on walks because I feel like so much good conversation comes out of it. It’s usually conversation topics that don’t come up around the house. We observe and notice so more around us when we’re out for a walk. 

I have lived in the desert most of my life. The desert is a very, very dry place and when most people think of it they think of dirt, tumbleweeds and cactus. But, tonight on our walk I noticed something I’ve really never noticed before. We were walking down streets and they were lined with trees and bushes full of beautiful light pink and hot pink flowers. I couldn’t stop pointing at these trees and telling my husband how pretty they were and how I couldn’t believe I’ve never really taken the time to notice them. 

After our walk I started our nightly routine to put our baby down for the evening and I kept thinking about the flowers I saw. One thing kept speaking to my heart- even in some of the driest lands God can place beautiful things to remind us that He makes all things new.

 Revelations 21:5 says “I am making all things new!” Then he said, “write this down, for these words are trusted and true.” 

I believe that even in the driest places of my heart, if I let God come in, plant seeds, mend them and water them He can spring up new life in me! So, I hope this week you can remember that that God truly can take any situation and speak life into it to make all things new! He hears you and treasures all of the dry places of your heart and desires to bring you beautiful things! 

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